E1000: Fixed possible guru meditation when changing network attachments (bug #21488).Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack: Fixed shipping the cryptographic support module for full VM encryption.GUI: Cloud related wizards should now propose enabled profiles before disabled.GUI: Fixes for VM name and OS type embedded editors of Details pane.GUI: Fixes and validation for VM settings USB filters editor, filter port value is now properly saved/restored.GUI: Brought back Restore current snapshot checkbox of Close VM dialog (bugs #21189, #21491).VMM: Fixed triple fault related guru meditations for UEFI guests starting with macOS Ventura 13.3 (bug #21563).VMM: Introduced general improvements in nested visualization area.VMM: Fixed MONITOR/MWAIT crash with Solaris guests when Hyper-V is used on Windows 11.VMM: Fixed EFLAGS.TF handling for CPUID instructions when Hyper-V is used (bug #17961).The following items were fixed and/or added: